Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Cooking Oyster Mushrooms

Oyster mushrooms, you see them in the grocery stores and at farmer's market, but you are hesitate to buy them because you do not know how to cook them up, right?  Well here is one simple, easy recipe to give oyster mushrooms a good name. Sautee'd Oyster Mushrooms, once you sautee oyster mushrooms, you can add them to practically any dish.

Sautee'd Oyster Mushrooms
2 Tablespoons butter or vegetable oil    

Chopped garlic to taste
1lb. fresh oyster mushrooms                                    

1 teaspoon of thyme, fresh or dried

 Cut or tear mushrooms into slices. Heat the butter or vegetable oil in a medium skillet. Cook the mushrooms and garlic 2-3 minutes. Add mushrooms to your recipe.

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