Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Oyster mushroom fruits

Exciting! Fresh, new oyster mushrooms are taking form. It's always fun when we see new pinning appear on the straw logs because it means that wee will be seeing oyster mushroom fruits in about 4-6 days!  With this post, I have decided to share with you some of the pictures I took this morning. One of the pictures will be showing our green house where the oyster mushrooms fruit. The beauty of this green house design is that it is portable! Which means we can pack it up and move it anywhere. Hope you are having a great Wednesday! 

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 Big, beautiful oyster mushroom fruits that Brandy picked this morning.
 More oyster mushrooms ready for picking. This log came out to be 5lbs and it was 1st flush!  :-)

Some pinning taking place for a 2nd flush.

More pining for a 2nd flush.

The portable oyster mushroom green house.

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