Monday, December 17, 2012

Health Benefits of Oyster Mushrooms

Good Morning! What a beautiful Monday morning it is! Time to start the work week. And just to get you going I have some health benefit information for you on oyster mushrooms. 
 Oyster Mushrooms don't have a label attached to them, like other boxed foods or products. So to get you more familiar with exactly what oyster mushrooms do and what goodness they have in them, I have put together a little more information on them.
 Oyster mushrooms have been around for centuries and have often been used for its medicinal and health benefits. These mushrooms became popular through Chinese medicine. There have been so many discoveries regarding the mushrooms’ medicinal properties that they have also been nicknamed ‘medicinal mushrooms’. These mushrooms have typically been more popular in Eastern and East Asian cuisines. 

Health Benefits Of Oyster Mushrooms

Research has shown that extracts from different kinds of oyster mushrooms help in different ailments.
  • Cholesterol: Oyster mushrooms are also suitable additions to the diet of people with obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure. This is primarily because these mushrooms are low in sodium and have a low starch ratio. These mushrooms also contain statins which are cholesterol lowering drugs. It is a good idea to include oyster mushrooms in diet for high cholesterol.
  • Cancer: Extract from the pink oyster has shown to stop the proliferation of cancerous cells. Extracts of king oyster mushroom has shown to stimulate the immune function. Use of mushroom in cancer treatment is an on-going research activity that has a lot of promise.
  • Hepatitis: Oyster mushrooms are also known to benefit people trying to quit tobacco products or even counter the Hepatitis C virus.
  • Other people who will benefit by including them in their daily diet are people suffering from anemia, hyper-acidity, constipation and of course, to boost general immunity.
This, however, does not mean you should discontinue drugs just because you have added mushrooms to your diet. All advice on drug courses should come from a certified doctor. 

And to get you going on your work week, here is an oyster mushroom recipe.  Enjoy!

 Stir-Fried Oyster Mushrooms
    2 tablespoons peanut oil
    1/2 tablespoon Asian sesame oil
    One 1/8-inch-thick slice fresh ginger, peeled and minced
    3 garlic cloves, minced
    1/2 pound oyster mushrooms, sliced or torn in even pieces
    1 cup fresh peas
    2 tablespoons chicken broth
    Pinch of sugar
    2 Chinese-style ( firm ) tofu cakes, cut into cubes
    2 tablespoons soy sauce or more

Using a wok or skillet, heat the peanut and sesame oils together until bubbling. Add the ginger, garlic, mushrooms, peas, and sugar and quickly stir-fry for 2 to 3 minutes. Add the broth. Cover and simmer for 3 to 5 minutes. Add the tofu and soy sauce. Cook uncovered for 3 minutes. Serve immediately over rice.


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