Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Desert Moon Mushroom Farm's Owner's profiles

Well it has occurred to me that it might be nice to get to know the faces behind the business of Desert Moon Mushroom Farm. As a small business, we only have 2 employees, thus far. As our company starts to expand, we will be looking into adding more people to the business. But until that day comes, us business owner's run the show. I would like to introduce to you my business partner, the other co-owner of Desert Moon, Brandy Casuse. She has been with the company since the start. We each shared a little about ourselves. Hope you enjoy reading it!

Co-Owner/Chief of Operations
Desert Moon Mushroom Farm
Chris went to school at UCLA, during his senior year of college, he had the opportunity of a lifetime; to Travel! Knowing this opportunity only comes up once in a lifetime, he jumped on it. Leaving it all behind, he began his one year journey to India, Nepal and southeast Asia. He came back to the states a "changed" person. He wanted more out of life than the mundane routine. His love for mycology and knowledge led him to southern Mexico. While traveling through Mexico, he came across a mushroom farm. There they grew oyster mushrooms, shitake, enokitaki, reshi and more. He spent some time there, learning the trade of the mushroom farm business and production. Finally, coming back to the states, he had the idea of starting his own mushroom farm. 5 months ago, was the starting point of Desert Moon Mushroom Farm. 

Brandy Casuse
Co-Owner/Chief Executive Officer
Desert Moon Mushroom Farm
Brandy grew up in a small town near the border of Arizona and New Mexico, next door to the Navajo Nation. Being Navajo, she knows all about community living. After High school, she went to Fort Lewis College to pursue a degree in Exercise Science. Her junior year of college, she got injured playing soccer and had to leave the academia world behind. She had to heal and recover before returning to academia, so she took a substitute teaching job at one of the local schools. Thinking teaching would be her life passion, she continued to work on her education degree. But teaching wasn't cutting it. She then tried going to school out of state, but that didn't work out either. Not knowing exactly what she wanted to do with her life, she ended up taking part-time jobs here and there. She met Chris in 2003 and he shared his love for mycology with her and how mushrooms can help people, communities and the world. This sparked a major interest in Brandy and she wanted to learn more. So Chris took her under his wing and taught her all he knew of mycology. In 2009, they got the opportunity to go travel to Mexico, where they came upon a mushroom farm. To their delight, they were able to work on the farm and learn the trade of running a mushroom farm and business. Just 5 months ago, their dream of starting a mushroom farm has come reality. Desert Moon Mushroom Farm is open for business. 

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